About the Business
According to High Fliers Research (2007) graduate-jobs.com is the biggest independent graduate job board in the UK. We allow small and large organisations in the UK to post graduate job advertisements and search CVs in a quick and cost effective way. All our services are available online once you have created (or are issued with) a username and password.
The concept is simple: to deliver graduates the best selection of graduate-jobs on the Internet, and to provide recruiters with the most cost effective, focused access to graduate jobseekers.
We know how difficult it can be to find a real career-related job after University, that's why (unlike some other sites) we promise not to exploit your situation by trying to sell you stuff, or give you useless advice, or psychometric tests (what's all that about!) or even try to set-up a little on-line community (unless you want one).
Location & Hours

North Road