About the Business
OP is a recruitment, and careers advisory company, owned, managed and led by Mark Scarbrow, an employment specialist with over 25 years experience in management, recruitment and careers advice. The business was formed in 1990 and has evolved to include a variety of services all tailored to suit the ongoing and changing needs of our customers. Our core values of professionalism, integrity and honesty remain consistent across all aspects of our business. If you're an employer with a vacancy to fill, we can help you to source and engage your most valuable asset - your employees.
If you're a jobseeker, we can help you engage with the right employers and help you to make informed decisions that will shape your future. If you're in need of careers advice, we offer practical, contemporary job industry assistance including advice on producing a CV, identifying the right vacancies, effective interview skills and all aspects of finding the right job.
Location & Hours
The Old Court