About the Business
Looking to find a job in Bedford? We are committed to providing people the very best available careers on a permanent / temporary / temporary to permanent basis as well as being a point of contact for employers wishing to fulfil a position. Use Placing People Bedford today and see how our years of expertise can help you find the perfect employer / employee! Placing People is an independent agency which has been based in Bedford Town Centre for over 13 years. We are contactable by e-mail at sales@placingpeoplebedford.co.uk or, alternatively, contact our customer services division on 01234 327272.
We are members of the REC (Recruitment and Employment Confederation) and ensure our recruitment procedures adhere to their Code of Good Recruitment Practice. A copy of which will be shown to you on registration at our offices. Toni Hornett - a Fellow Member of the Confederation has worked with the REC Professional Standards Committee whose aim is to improve Standards throughout the industry.
Location & Hours

70 Saint Loyes Street